Welcome to the EDST Online Learning Library!
Welcome to a resource designed just for you as a graduate student in the Department of Educational Studies, and beyond! This library of online theory and methods modules aims to provide support to students at various points in their degree, such as:
- Using or combining modules to construct a directed study course with your research supervisor – each module suggests assignments for you to consider.
- Refreshing your knowledge or introducing you to a theory or method while writing your proposal or thesis/dissertation – use this as a self-study tool.
- Introducing you to various faculty members in the department whom you may not have had a course with as you consider the composition of your thesis or dissertation committee.
Each of these modules are ideally viewed in the sequence in which it has been put together, but they are all open thus allowing you to jump in and out of a module where needed.
Tutorial: how to register for a module
Browse the library and sign into any module!

Qualitative Research Interviewing
This module is an introduction to several aspects of qualitative research interviewing meant to give you the basic tools to get you started on your research.

Pierre Bourdieu: A Select Introduction
The proposed four segments of this online course offer participants a critical introduction into select aspects of Pierre Bourdieu’s work in terms of his approach to, and the study of the social life world, the relations between structure and agency, symbolic and material forms of power and the production of meaning.

Qualitative Data Analysis
This course introduces you to QDA as both art and science, presenting a variety of tools and strategies. Reflexive thematic analysis, narrative analysis, and counter-storytelling are discussed.

Cooperatives, Social Solidarity Economies and Education
Coming soon!

Educational Policy Analysis
This course introduces students to a handful of qualitative methodologies and theoretical frameworks of educational policy analysis.

Developing a Dissertation
This module is designed to provide resources for various stages of the dissertation writing process. Enrol in this module early in your degree and come back to it as you move to new stages of writing.

Introduction to Critical Theories
This module looks at what critical theory is with a focus on intersectionality, critical disability studies and critical race theory.

Autobiographical Inquiry
This module introduces you to autobiographical, autoethnographic and life writing approaches with the hope that these methodologies can be part of the menu of methodologies you will consider for your dissertation research.

Introduction to Practice Theories
This module introduces you to an umbrella of sociocultural theories aimed at helping you to understand and inquire into professional practice.

Evaluation Research
Coming soon!